Amy Kuehl
Amy Kuehl



Hi, I’m Amy.

I’m a hair-twirling, food-obsessed SoCal lady who loves all things marketing and organization.

First things first: I’m a get-things-done kinda gal who’s also one heck of a good time.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, it would probably be helpful to know that I’ve been helping clients create killer content, streamline their systems, and nail their messaging for three years.

Along the way, I’ve picked up some skills & proficiences that might come in handy for our work together.

  • Blog writing & implementation

  • Website SEO (Squarespace, Shopify, Wix, WordPress, Showit)

  • Email marketing (writing & implementation)

  • Pinterest marketing


My background is in journalism and secondary education, both of which set me up with allll the skills to really nail this online business thing. Not to brag, but I’m pretty good at the soft skills that are hard to teach like…

  • Asking the right questions.

  • Deep diving on research tasks.

  • Being a self-starter. No hand-holding required here.

  • Remaining curious, always, no matter what. It’s the best quality out there.

On the personal side of things, I’m a wife, mama, sister, daughter, and friend. And I have lots of interests (see note about curiosity above ^^)

  • Food. Always food. My cookbook collection makes me feel all warm and happy inside. My favorite food read? Bread and Wine.

  • Humor. If someone told me that I reminded them of a love child between Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig, I’d kiss them right on the mouth. Also, you can find The Office on repeat in my house.

  • Fitness. I’m a lifelong runner, but recently hopped on the Peloton train and I’m not mad about it. Team Robin over here!

  • Faith. Much more than an “interest” but wanted you to know that this girl’s been saved by grace and won’t ever forget it. In Christ alone, my friends.


Did we just become best friends?